We improve management model of large, medium-size, and small business... very brave business!

We do that so you can grow faster, focus on what’s important to you, and do more good for both the world and for yourself.

bring life
to business
Over 2.4 Billion Roubles invested. 100 companies involvement. Average yearly growth: 234%.
The profit margin has increased by 15%. Management expense fell under 7% of the overall salary expense. 83 new products launched by expanding into the new markets.

40% growthperyear. Employee projects bring in 25% of the company revenue. Management expense is less than 10% of the overall salaries.

Strict hierarchical management model shined during the times of the industrial economy. They transformed the agrarian society, disciplined people into following the routines and fulfilling tasks. Now, this same model is destroying businesses.
what went wrong

01. problem
people become irrelevant
As managers, we are overloaded with routine tasks. It becomes easier for us to just penalize our staff to force the results, and perhaps we try to avoid taking responsibility.

We only discuss any possible changes at the water coolers, mostly just to vent.
As facilitators, we often bury any initiative and support the status-quo, even as we fully see its shortcomings.
business is losing steam
There are no new ideas; or, they get dwelled on for years and then collapse in just days after trying. Best employees move on to other places of work where they could truly shine.

Even the owners become disinterested in their own business. The money is already made; the fatigue has settled in; it is rather hard to continue like that. The business does not work by itself, yet it’s inconceivable to just let it shutter.
We hire more and more of the managers and admins. We create this fake feeling of stability and being in control, while actually moving yet farther away from reality.
If you look at what is happening after the industrial revolution you’ll see there’s only one growth criterion. It is the readiness of young blood to take risks in business. We have this culture in the US, but it seems Europe mostly lost it. Great Britain used to be the leader of the industrial revolution, yet it is more like a leader of bureaucracy now. This is the result of the current educational system. There’s just too much education, and people are too afraid to take risks anymore.
Nassim Taleb
Frederick Winslow Taylor publishes The Principles of Scientific Management. This paper established the vertical management structure based on the delegation of responsibilities. Here, an employee is viewed as a function.
There are only two main incentives to work: wages and fear of losing it.
Henry Ford
We don’t do parenting by force - that would not work. Instead, we invest in building the relationships. This approach pays off in the families. Instead of demanding some blind subservience, we show care about each other. It makes us - and people around us - happy.
02. сause
when the relationships are broken, we instinctively:
We invent some plan. We avoid responsibility for the senseless job done. We attach people’s motivation to just how well they are following the plan.

We create fake stability based on the contracts and penalties, closeness to innovation, and keeping the status-quo.

We are forcing ourselves and other people around us to work too hard for the sake of the elusive effectiveness. The honest ones burn out first.
add more management
Digitization only increases the degree of paranoia and hyper-reporting. This is not helpful; instead, our helplessness increases and we are trying to meneuver ourselves out of it.

In a couple months, KPI starts looking just like another penalty system.

If the phylosophy of agility is not shared by all, it will be rejected. Best teams grow, work, and quit/move together with their leader.

Without fixing the concept, the relationships, and the meaning of the particular company, nothing will work: forget about the corporate culture, employee education, team-building, meetups, workshops, or any other buzz notions.
apply a band-aid
of the salaries are spent on supporting bureaucracy and hierarchy instead of something actually useful.
In businesses employing 100 people and up, the spending on management grows faster than the company revenues.
Gary Hamel
only of the information from the top management will reach an employee at the bottom of the 4-level hierarchy.
Valery Razguliaev
to the people
to your business
to yourself
it’s all in your attitude
we build businesses to do good and to become better
03. changes
Business is a machine that uses people as resources.

Profit is a maximization of the effectiveness of operations.

beyond taylor

Business is a living system that opens people’s potential.

Evolutionary goal: maximizing the value for the end user.

faster moving markets, the pandemic, crisis of trust, windows of opportunities - the world is pushing us to re-evaluate our views
Every employee needs to be managed

High degree of uncertainty
Every employee deserves to be trusted

High degree of uncertainty
the changes occur when we realize what value can be created for our employees and clients
Instead of constant vetting, we give our employees freedom and responsibility to make their own decisions.
Instead of dictating the one and only solution, we leave the door open for a variety of options.
Instead of increasing management and supporting hierarchy, we support independent decisions and initiative with the teams.
Instead of demanding the maximum effectiveness and fulfilling the pre-set goals, we use the resources to start new projects and switch to the new directions.
Instead of viewing people as parts of the machine, we excite our employees with the evolutionary goal, thus creating a society of the like-minded.
Instead of long-term planning, we experiment while always keeping the eye on our evolutionary goal.
we value principles, not processes
there’s no single path to happiness. But we know the way and we are equipped to lead.
The company creates a structure of how to build value for the clients. The value builders get teamed up in the autonomous units, with support teams. The management council is made up of their leaders.

We moved step-by-step. We studied professional books, we learned from the other companies’ experience, we made mistakes, we invented something new. As a result, we came up with the management system of VkusVill, so we went to the US to tell the others about it. It turns out though, the best minds of the world are trying to create new management systems - we are not alone in it. It’s time to gather everyone together and let the companies move forward in their business. Beyond Taylor

we started from ourselves
04. who we are
Андрей Иващенко
Юрий Алашеев
Андрей Кривенко
Николай Попович
Валера Разгуляев
Founder and Chairman of the Board of the HimRar Group of Companies, co-founder of the TealTech venture fund

Andrey Ivashchenko

Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of AGAMA Group Companies, co-founder of the TealTech venture fund

Yury Alasheev

Founder of Vkusvill, founder of Beyond Taylor, co-founder of the TealTech venture fund

Andrey Krivenko

Practitioner in implementing culture, processes and tools of Internal Entrepreneurship

Nikolai Popovich

Expert and practitioner in implementing new approaches in the management of organizations

Valera Razgulyaev

who has entrusted in us
Year ‘2013: the company is in the dumps

No new projects are launched
Industry: FMGG
Specialization: healthy foods


Оставляем возможность для альтернативных решений, вместо использования одного варианта в любой ситуации
Оставляем возможность для альтернативных решений, вместо использования одного варианта в любой ситуации
Year ‘2020: the company has over 1300 stores

More than 2,000,000 online orders are fulfilled every month

Year on year growth: 40%

Over 60 projects were launched by company employees in ‘2020

25% of the company’s revenue comes from those employee projects

Management costs less than 10% of overall salary expenditures
Year ‘2016: the company is in survival mode after a string of crises and cuts
Now: the company has over 20% of the frozen seafood market

Year ‘2020: it launches 83 new products in the previously untapped markets

Profit: went from negative to +15%

Launched its own retail chain. Launched online sales

Company employees started 25 projects in the year ‘2020 alone

Management expense: less than 7% of the overall salary expenditures
Industry: FMGG
Specialization: fish and seafood


experiences beyond
Behind outstanding success lies a process of internal change. Look at the cases of like-minded companies around the world.
Household appliances

What was done with help of Beyond Taylor
The company has created a neural network-modeled management model - each division works on a specific purpose as a separate company, collaborating with other divisions to deliver a service to a customer. Some of the teams are responsible for direct work with the client, for resolving his issue, and some of the departments (so-called support teams) help in providing an answer to the client's request.

What are the results
  • The company has 100 million users in over 100 countries, 24 overseas factories, 10 research centers
  • Retail market share - 10.2% Revenue in 2018: $ 24.16 billion
  • Growth rate - 28% in the period of 2010 to 2020
  • The only brand of the IoT segment, included in the BrandZ rating “Top-100 most expensive brands in the world-2020”
start small

05. what to do
We’ll be happy to meet you at our office. Or we can come to you, whatever is more convenient for you. Let’s look at your particular situation, go through the case studies, and come up with fresh ideas of how your business might possibly change. Direction and ways of it.
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